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Before uploading an item, you need to perform masking on the avatar.

Masking is the process of covering the parts of the avatar that will be hidden by the ZEPETO item you created.

Import mask file

The object used for masking can be obtained from UModeler X. You can find the imported object at the following path.


Bring the mask object into the scene and move it under the item as follows.

07_masking_download2 07_masking_download3

Select the mask object, right-click on it, and select Prefab - Unpack to make it editable.


Vertex Color

In ZEPETO, masking work uses vertex colors.

You can modify vertex colors in modeling mode using the surface's vertex color or the vertex color brush.


Vertex Color Brush: This tool allows you to change the color of vertices using a brush.


Vertex Color: This feature lets you change the color of the selected vertices. By using these tools, you can adjust the vertex colors to achieve the desired masking effect.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the card below.

Vertex Color Brush


Vertex Color




Use this feature to paint the areas hidden by the created item in black.

Turn on the visibility of the item to check if the black areas are visible.

If any black masks are visible outside the areas covered by the item, change them to white.