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Vertex Color Brush Tool

Vertex Color Brush Tool

The Vertex Color Brush tool is a brush-like tool that applies vertex color to vertices.


For the Vertex Color

The Vertex Color is the color information stored on a vertex. Colors between vertices are automatically interpolated, and can be used for a variety of purposes.

How to Use

  1. Run the Vertex Color Brush tool.
  2. Enable the View Vertex Color property, which will display the object's vertex colors. View Vertex Color
  3. Click on the Brush Color property to change it to the desired color. Brush Color Properties
  4. Move the mouse cursor over the vertices of the object, then Click-Drag to paint the vertex color. Draw Brush



Vertex Color

View Vertex Color

Property that displays the object's vertex color.

View Vertex Color

Brush Color

Property that allows you to specify the vertex color.

Brush Color Properties

Brush Data

Properties that control the size and intensity of the brush.

Brush Data Properties

Size Type

This property selects what the brush size is based on.

Brush Data Size Type


This property determines the size of the brush in pixels.

You can set the size in the Brush Radius Pixel property.


This property determines the size of the brush relative to its size in the world.

You can set the size in the Brush Radius Distance property.

Distance Centimeter

Determines the size of the brush relative to its size on the world. The unit is centimeters.

You can set the size in the **Brush Radius Distance property.

Brush Radius Distance

This property sets the size of the brush relative to its worldly size.

Available only when the Size Type property is set to Distance, Distance Centimeter.

Brush Radius Pixel

This property sets the size of the brush in pixels.

This property is only available when the Size Type property is set to Pixel.

Brush Radius Pixel

Brush Strength

Property for brush strength.

Brush Strength

Fall Off

A Graph Type property that determines the shape of the brush. It can be edited by clicking on the graph next to Fall Off.

Fall Off

Fall Off Shape Example

Here is an example of how the Fall Off shape changes the appearance of the selection.

Fall Off 1 Fall Off 2

Example Usage