Modifiers provide a non-destructive way to modify the original model.
You can accumulate edits using the modifier stack or toggle specific modifiers on and off for editing.
You can add modifiers with the +
icon, delete them with the -
icon, or merge them with the Source Mesh. Be cautious when merging, as it may make modifying the original mesh difficult.
You can rearrange modifiers, rename them, or toggle their activation freely.
The Bend modifier bends objects along a specified axis and angle.
The Subdivide modifier smooths surfaces by subdividing faces. You can adjust the level of subdivision.
The Shell modifier adds thickness to objects based on the source mesh.
The Mirror modifier creates a mirrored object based on a specified axis.
The FFD modifier provides a grid-based box for manipulating meshes. The vertices of the grid move along with nearby vertices of the source mesh.
The Push modifier moves faces along or against their normals.
The Decimate modifier reduces the polygon count of models. Be mindful of how it may alter the model's shape based on options.