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Modeling Mode

Modeling Mode

Modeling mode is the primary mode for editable meshes, and its primary function is to edit meshes. This mode is broken down into tools, which serve multiple functions, properties, which are detailed settings for the tools, and groups, which are groups of tools.



In order to use a tool, you must select or use a 3D primitive called an Element.

Modeling Mode

Elements are composed of Vertices, Edges, Faces, and Objects.

A Vertex is a vertex of a 3D object, while an Edge represents a corner made up of two vertices. A Face is a surface filled by connecting three or more edges.

UModelerX provides several tools for editing and creating vertices, edges, and faces.

Moving, rotating, and resizing each element is the same as in the Unity Editor.

Groups in Modeling Mode

Element groups

The Element group is located at the top of Modeling Mode and is a collection of properties for each element (Vertex, Edge, Face, and Object).

Each element has different visible properties.

Primitive Shapes Group

Primitive Shapes Group

The Primitive Shapes group is a collection of tools that allow you to create meshes of primitive shapes.

For more information, see the Primitive Shapes group page.

Drawing Group

Drawing Group

The Drawing group is a collection of tools for creating planar shapes.

For more information, see the Drawing group page.

Selection Group

Selection Group

The Selection group is a collection of tools related to the selection of elements (Vertex, Edge, Face, and Object).

For more information, see the Selection Group page.

Add group

Add Group

The Add group is a collection of tools that, when executed, will add each element (Vertex, Edge, Face).

It mainly contains tools that either add selected elements or add elements defined in the tool.

For more information, see the Add Group page.

Remove Group

Remove Group

The Remove group is a collection of tools that, when executed, remove each element (Vertex, Edge, Face).

It usually contains tools that either delete selected elements or combine elements by the tool.

For more information, see the Remove group page.

Deform Group

Deform Group

The Deform group is a collection of brush-like tools that apply deformations to surfaces.

For more information, see the Deform group page.

Surface Group

Surface Group

The Surface group is a collection of tools for surfaces.

It mainly contains vertex colors, material settings, and tools that can be used with the UV Editor.

For more information, see the Surface group page.

Misc Groups

Misc Group

The Misc group is a collection of functional tools that do not belong in any other group.

For more information, see the Misc Groups page.

Multiple Object Group

Multiple Object Group

A Multiple Object group is a collection of tools that can be used with multiple UModeler X objects selected.

For more information, see the Multiple Object Group page.

Grid / Incremental Snap

Unity's Grid/Incremental snap also applies to the Editable Mesh.

  • Grid snap operates according to the size of Unity's grid.
  • Incremental snap operates while pressing the Ctrl key on Windows and the Command key on MacOS.

Grid/Incremental Snap

For more details, refer to the Unity manual on Grid snapping.

Below are examples showing how Grid/Incremental snap is applied.

Grid Snap - Moving, rotating, and scaling elements

Incremental Snap - Moving, rotating, and scaling elements

Grid Snap - Creating primitive shapes

Primitive shape Grid/Incremental snap has been applied since UModeler X version 0.19.0.