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There are additional features available for use in Modeling Mode.

Favorite Tools

Favorite Tools is a new collection of frequently used tools.

Add any tools you want to use.


Favorite Tools can be enabled or disabled through Preferences > Modeling > Show Favorite Tools.

Alternatively, if there are No Favorite Tools, the group will automatically disappear.

How to Use

  1. Right-click on a tool icon and select Add Favorite.
  2. The tool is added to the Favorite Tools group at the top, and you can now Use it via the Favorite Tools group.
  3. Right-click on a tool to Rearrange its order or Remove it from Favorites.

Repeat Tool

Repeat Tool rerun a previously executed tool with the same settings.

How To Use

  1. Use Immediate mode tool. (ex. remove tool, duplicate tool)
  2. Select other elements to apply the same tool you used.
  3. Press the ; button on the keyboard to use the Repeat Tool. Previously used tool will be executed as is.

Immediate mode tool is a tool that executes immdeiately without displaying an additional settings inspector when the button is pressed.


Only the Bevel Tool is an exception, as it is not immediate mode tool but can be used by Repeat Tool.