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Shrink Tool

Shrink Tool

The Shrink tool is a tool that shrinks an area on selected elements. It does not work if there is no element selected

How to use it


  1. select one or more vertices. Vertex Select
  2. Run the Shrink Tool.
  3. The selected vertex area will be shrunk and selected. If there is not enough range for the selected faces, they will be deselected. Vertex Result


  1. Select one or more edges. Edge Select
  2. Run the Shrink Tool.
  3. The selected edges will be shrunk and selected. If the selected faces do not have enough range, they will be deselected. Edge Result


  1. Select one or more faces. Face Select
  2. Run the Shrink Tool.
  3. The selected faces will be shrunk and selected. If there is not enough range in the selected faces, they will be deselected. Face Result

Example Usage