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Loop Tool

Loop Tool

The Loop tool is a tool that allows you to select by concatenating the selected element with elements in the aligned direction.

How to use it


  1. Select one or more edges. Loop Tool Edge Select

  2. Run the Loop tool.


    Shortcuts for the Loop tool on edges.

    Double-Click on an edge.

  3. the edges associated with the selected edge are selected. Loop Tool Edge Result


  1. select 2 or more adjacent faces in the desired direction. Loop Tool Face Select

  2. Run the Loop tool.


    Shortcut for the Loop tool on faces.

    After selecting the faces, Shift+Double-Click the faces in the desired direction.

  3. the faces in the direction of travel of the selected faces will be selected. Loop Tool Face Result



You can change the properties in the properties window that appears when you Alt+Click on the Loop Tool Icon.

Loop Tool Properties

Select Type

At One Go

Loop Tool At One Go

The At One Go property is a property that allows you to select all edges and faces at once based on the Loop tool selection criteria.

Edge Loop Tool Edge At One Go

Face Loop Tool Face At One Go


Loop Tool Grow

The Grow property is a property that allows selection in a way that increases the range each time the Loop tool icon is clicked.


The Grow property does not apply to faces.

Loop Tool Face Grow

Example of usage


Select Type: At One Go

Select Type: Grow


Select Type: At One Go