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Pivot Tool

Pivot Tool

Pivot Tool is a tool for setting the pivot location of an object, allowing the pivot to be changed to the object's Center, Top Center, Bottom Center, or the current location of the gizmo.



Pivot is the central point of reference when adjusting the position, rotation, and scale of an object.

It serves as the origin within the object, defining the location of each element in the object's space relative to the position of the gizmo.


Checking the Pivot Position


To ascertain the exact position of the pivot, the gizmo display reference in the Unity Editor must be set to Pivot.

This setting makes the gizmo represent the pivot location of the object, allowing you to verify the pivot's position as the center point of the object.

When using the Pivot Tool in UModeler X, clicking the attribute button instantly switches the gizmo reference to Pivot, making it easy to check the current pivot location.


Pivot Tool Properties

Top Center

A button that sets the pivot location to the Top Center of the object.

Top Center


A button that sets the pivot location to the Center of the object.


Bottom Center

A button that sets the pivot location to the Bottom Center of the object.

Bottom Center

Gizmo Location

A button that sets the pivot location to the current location of the gizmo displayed in the scene.

After moving the displayed gizmo to the desired location, clicking the Gizmo Location button sets the object's pivot to the new location of the chosen gizmo.

Gizmo Location

Gizmo Local Position

Gizmo Local Position shows the location of the gizmo within the object's local coordinate system.

It displays the relative position of how far the currently displayed gizmo is from the object's pivot.

Gizmo Local Position

Gizmo World Position

Gizmo World Position shows the location of the gizmo within the scene's world coordinate system.

It displays the relative position of how far the currently displayed gizmo is from the world's origin, regardless of the object's local transformations.

Gizmo World Position

Example Usage

Setting Pivot to Gizmo Location

Setting the pivot position using the Gizmo Location button after moving the gizmo