Face Color Tool
The Face Color tool is a tool that applies a face color to selected faces.
For the Face Color
The Face Color is the color information stored on a face.
How to use it
- Run the Face Color tool.
- Enable the View Face Color property, which will display the object's face colors.
- Select the faces you want to apply the face color* to.
on the Face Color property to change it to the desired color.Click
the Apply Color button to apply the face color.
View Face Color
Property that displays the object's face color.
Face Color
Property that allows you to specify the face color.
Properties that allow you to set how faces are selected.
Backface Select
Allows you to set whether faces facing the opposite direction are selected.
When the Backface Select property is off, opposite facing faces are not selected.
When the Backface Select property is on, opposite facing faces are selected.
Camera Based Select
This property selects only those faces that are visible to the camera.
When the Camera Based Select property is off, faces that are hidden by the camera are also selected.
When the Camera Based Select property is on, faces that are hidden by the camera are not selected.