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The Latest UModeler X Updates - What's New in January and February 2024

· 3 min read
Jaesik Hwang

Hello everyone! I'm very happy to introduce our second blog post. Today, we'll talk about the major updates made over the last two months, the newly added painting mode guide, and the backlog we are working on to make UModeler X even more stable.

Major Updates for January and February 2024

Several useful features were added in January and February this year. Take a look, and if you're still using an older version of UModeler X, I hope you take this opportunity to update to the latest version.

Ruler Feature

You can easily measure the distance between selected vertices and the length of edges.

Improved Snapping Function

he Height Snap feature has been added, allowing elements to be aligned based on the direction of movement and the position of the cursor. Additionally, Unity's Grid/Incremental snap functionality has been integrated into the basic shape tools. This improves accuracy and ease of use.

Added View Cut Function

With the new Slice Cut tool, you can easily slice meshes by creating a virtual plane that matches the camera direction.


In UModeler X, you can assign shortcuts for all tools using Unity's shortcut manager.

Unity Shortcut Manager

Decimate Modifier

With the new Decimate modifier, you can reduce the number of polygons in a mesh to efficiently optimize the model.

Decimate Ratio

Commentary Feature

Check your UModeler X usage status with the new Commentary feature. It provides information on the tools you are using, mouse/keyboard inputs, and Undo/Redo actions.

In addition to these feature additions, many improvements have been made. For more update news, please refer to the UModeler Discord channel.

Painting Mode Guide

A guide document for users starting with the painting mode has been added to the manual page. It's a very convenient feature that allows you to create or modify textures directly on 3D models. This guide provides useful information on how to start painting mode and how to use textures created in this mode.

Current Ongoing Backlogs

Based on your feedback, we are working hard to update UModeler X every week. The backlog items scheduled to be addressed in the next 2-3 weeks are as follows.

  • Performance issues when navigating the camera with the mouse in edit mode.
  • Addition of a feature to reset properties in the LoopCut tool.
  • Problems with selecting hidden polygons.
  • Rendering issues when a disabled UModelerXEditableMesh component is reactivated.
  • Unity freezing when saving the scene.
  • Hierarchy problems occurring when umodelerizing multiple meshes.
  • Improvement of painting brush speed.


We hope your 3D modeling experience improves with UModeler X, and we will always listen to your valuable feedback. Your interest and support are the driving forces behind the development of UModeler X. Please continue to support us.