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UModeler X

0.19.24 | July 10, 2024

  • New Features
    • Snap Panel
      • The Snap Panel window can be opened using the shortcut key ( ` ).
      • Snap settings for Move and Rotate can be changed.
      • The list of Move and Rotate Snaps can be edited.
  • Modifications
    • Modeling Mode
      • Create Shape As a New Object: When this option is enabled, a new shape will be created in a new GameObject.
      • Pressing the Escape key will exit the selected tool.

0.19.23 | July 2, 2024

  • Fixed a Null Reference error that occurred in Unity 6.
  • Preferences
    • Automatically assigns default values when the Material field is empty.
  • Rigging Mode
    • Added a warning message when the SkinnedMeshRendererRoot is set as the Root Game Object in the Scene file. Issues can arise with the FBX exporter and other tools if this value is set as the Root Game Object of the Scene.

0.19.22 | June 28, 2024

  • Unity Build
    • Changed so that UModeler's Resources are not included in the build.
    • Fixed an issue where Unity builds failed in version 0.19.21.
  • Preferences
    • Fixed an issue where the values for Material/Texture were not properly saved.

0.19.21 | June 27, 2024

  • Unity Build: Issues occurred when building with Unity versions below 2021, so it was reverted to the original state.
  • Preferences
    • Fixed missing parameters when merging Painting2D and Painting3D categories.

0.19.20 | June 27, 2024

  • Unity Build
    • Reduced the inclusion of unnecessary UModelerX runtime data during Unity builds.
    • Fixed a bug where some unnecessary components were not being deleted upon execution.
  • Preferences:
    • Fixed a bug where the UModelerX would not automatically select when opening the Preferences tab from the UModelerX toolbar in Unity 2023 and later versions.
    • Merged the Painting2D and Painting3D categories.
    • EdMesh
      • Create As Static Object: Allows UModelerX objects to be created as static by default.
      • Static Option: Configure the static options for UModelerX objects created with the Create As Static Object option enabled.
      • Always Enable Grid Snap: Ensures Grid Snapping is always active when a UModelerX object is selected.
      • Create Under Root: Allows UModelerX objects to be created without a parent object.
  • Modeling Mode
    • Loop Tool: Fixed discrepancies between At Go One and Grow methods.
    • Fixed an issue where the gizmo would remain when changing to a higher element mode after selecting an element.
  • Modifier
    • Mirror Modifier: Fixed a bug where the model would change when altering the pivot position of a model with the Mirror Modifier applied.
  • Shortcut
    • When a shortcut is assigned to a property, it will now display as a tooltip.
    • Modified the color of the shortcut displayed in the tooltip.
  • Other Fixes
    • UModelerize: Corrected a typo (Hierarchically).

0.19.19 | June 19, 2024

  • Modeling Mode
    • Element Tool: Displays distance when moving or extruding an element, allowing adjustment of the movement distance.
    • Object Tool: Allows toggling the display of the wireframe using the Hide Wireframe option.
  • Rigging Mode
    • The label of the Root Bone has been changed to Animation Root.
    • SkinnedMeshRenderer Root Bone has been added. The RootBone value set in SkinnedMeshRenderer is assigned here.
  • UModelerize
    • UModelerize Hierarchy
      • When a child game object has a MeshRenderer or SkinnedMeshRenderer, the entire structure of the selected object is copied as is, and both MeshRenderer and SkinnedMeshRenderer are UModelerized.
      • For SkinnedMeshRenderer, the Animation Root value is set to the selected object value. It is recommended to select the top-level animation object, such as the Animator Component.
      • For SkinnedMeshRenderer, the set RootBone value is set to the SkinnedMeshRenderer Root Bone value of UModelerX.
    • The UModelerize Merge Vertices option has been added to Preference/UModelerX/EdMesh. The state of Merge Vertices changes based on this option during UModelerize.

0.19.18 | June 12, 2024

  • Modeling Mode
    • Backface Select: Modified to allow this option to be toggled via shortcut key (Shift + Z).
    • Element Tool: Improved the picking routine for Vertex and Edge.
    • Slice Cut Tool: Improved issues causing occasional freezing during SliceCut.
    • Bridge Tool: Modified to fill holes.
    • Combine Face Tool: Modified to connect combinable edges as a single edge during merging.
    • Local Settings Tool: Changed the label for the Generate UVs feature to indicate its association with the Lightmap Static property (now "Generate UVs For Lightmap"). Removed the Auto Generate Mesh Collider property, now allowing Mesh Collider addition/removal via "Generate Mesh Collider" and "Destroy Mesh Collider" buttons.
  • Rigging Mode
    • Fixed the issue where selected vertices for weighting were displayed in white.
  • Other Fixes
    • Preference: Corrected typos (Display Ed Mesh Details).
    • Undo: Fixed the issue of consecutive error messages occurring during Undo.
    • ProBuilder: Fixed the issue preventing entry into compile/play mode when installing ProBuilder after UModelerX Hub in Unity 6.0.

0.19.17 | May 29, 2024

  • Unity Build : Removed the BuildPlayerHandler registered by UModelerX during Unity build.

0.19.16 | May 17, 2024

  • Modeling Mode
    • Preferences: Set the default value of the Auto Generate Mesh Collider property to false.
    • Local Settings Tool: Added the Auto Generate Mesh Collider property, allowing adjustment of Mesh Collider generation on a per-object basis.
    • Weld Tool: Adjusted the minimum value of the Distance property from 0.01 to 0.001.
  • Rigging Mode
    • Fixed an issue with incorrect weight values when UModelerizing.
    • Rigging Tool Group: Rearranged the order of rigging tools.
  • 3D Texturing Mode
    • AI-Texture Tool: Fixed an issue with AI texturing server connection on PCs with ControlNet v1.1.438 installed.
  • Zepeto Exporter
    • Fixed issues occurring when changing poses during Zepeto export.
    • Fixed issues with initial pose values.

0.19.15 | May 10, 2024

  • Hotfix : Fixed an error that occurred when deleting UModeler X objects. (Caused by the MeshCollider routine introduced in version 0.19.14)

0.19.14 | May 10, 2024

  • New Features
    • RiggigMode
      • Weight Mirror Tool: A function that copies weights to the opposite plane. If you enter bone names in pairs like 'left bone, right bone', it will match the most similar bones.
  • Modifications
    • UModelerize: Fixed an error that occurs in UModelerize Merge Vertices when the KeepQuad option is on in the 3D file Unity options.
    • Preference: Added the Auto Generate Mesh Collider property to the window. When this property is enabled, a Mesh Collider is generated and updated with the UModeler X Editable Mesh component.
    • Modifier
      • MirrorModifier: Changed the LockOriginAsWorld option to a button.
    • Modeling Mode
      • BrushTool: Fixed an error where the brush size changes during drawing.
    • Export Window: Added guidance related to FBX export.

0.19.13 | May 3, 2024

  • Modeling Mode
    • Element Tool: Reversed the direction of the Curve in Soft Selection, with Time 1.0 now closest to the selected element.
    • Deform Group
      • Fixed brush jittering.
      • Reversed the direction of the Fall Off curve, with Time 1.0 at the center of the brush.
      • Addressed issues with Fall Off values not applying or saving.
      • Standard Brush Tool: Resolved crashing and sensitivity issues.
      • Flatten Brush Tool: Fixed crashing and sensitivity issues.
  • Rigging Mode
    • Weight Brush Tool: Reversed the direction of the Fall Off curve, with Time 1.0 at the center of the brush.
  • Painting Mode
    • Changed displayed materials in painting mode to the current material set on the model instead of the initially set material.

0.19.12 | April 24, 2024

  • Modeling Mode
    • Feature Additions
      • Mirror Modifier: Added 'Lock World Origin', which fixes the mirror plane at 0,0,0.
      • Mirror Modifier: Improved the visibility range of the mirror plane.
      • Added triangle count display to the EdMesh information window and made it more user-friendly.
  • Painting Mode
    • Feature Changes
      • Changed the brush size adjustment shortcut in Paint tool from Ctrl+LMB Drag to Shift+LMB Drag.
      • Changed the shortcut for drawing lines in Paint tool from Shift+LMB Drag to Ctrl+LMB Drag.

0.19.11 | April 17, 2024

  • Modeling Mode
    • Improvements
      • Assign the shortcut for changing the direction of the Deform tool's brush force to Ctrl+LMB drag.
      • Change the shortcut for adjusting the Deform tool's brush size from Ctrl+LMB drag to Shift+LMB drag.
    • Bug Fixes
      • Fix brush picking errors in the Deform tool and make improvements to be more memory-friendly.
  • Painting Mode
    • Improvements
      • Display a brush size slider bar at the top of the Painting 2D window.

0.19.10 | Apr 12, 2024

  • Fixed an incorrect folder location from version 0.19.9.

0.19.9 | Apr 12, 2024

  • Bug Fixes
    • Resolved an issue where pressing modeling mode shortcut keys in rigging or painting mode would cause an error.
    • Fixed errors related to removing duplicate vertices in UModelerize Merge Vertices.
    • Corrected occasional Exception errors in the PreferenceWindow.
    • Modeling Mode
      • Edge Tool: Fixed an issue where Local was not applied to the selected edges.
    • UV Editors: Fixed errors that occurred when the editor was maximized.
  • Improvements
    • Lowered the login toolbar when ProBuilder is present.
    • Moved the Resources folder for UModeler Hub under the Editor to prevent it from being affected by the build.

0.19.8 | Apr 04, 2024

  • Bug Fixes
    • Modeling Mode
      • Element Tool: Fixed a bug where Highlight and Camera Based Selection were not working in the prefab editor.
      • Bevel Tool: Modified so that bevels can be applied if the edge of an open shape is closed in the length direction.
      • Slice Cut Tool: Improved so that parts cut with the Split And Fill Hole option can be completely separated.
    • Painting Mode
      • Sticker Layer: Fixed a bug where properties were not reflected when left-clicking in the Sticker Layer.
    • UV Editor
      • Export Tool: Fixed a bug where the clarity of UV lines varied depending on the position of the game object.

0.19.7 | Mar 28, 2024

  • Bug Fixes
    • Modeling Mode
      • ShapeTool Group: Fixed a bug where the Element Picking routine in ShapeTool Group was not being updated.
      • Mirror Modifier: Fixed a bug where Element Picking was not working.
      • FFD Modifiers: Fixed a bug where Element Picking was not working.
    • Painting 2D: Fixed a bug where drawing was not working.

0.19.6 | Mar 19, 2024

  • Bug Fixes
    • Painting3D Mode
      • Generate AI Tool: Fixed a GPU crash error that occurred when using Generate with GPU Skinning enabled.
        • When running the AI in the background with the Generate Forever option turned on for a long time, generating .png files all at once may cause loading times.
      • Generate AI Tool: When the Generate Forever option is enabled, modified so that a message box appears after the last rendering is completed upon turning off the option.
    • MultiObjectTool
      • Boolean Tool: Reduced errors occurring in booleans far away from the origin (0,0,0).
      • Boolean Tool: Reduced instances of incorrect polygon creation.

0.19.5 | Mar 8, 2024

  • Bug Fixes
    • Deleted the existing code that was causing issues in PureCode under HDRP.

0.19.4 | Mar 8, 2024

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue where the arrow keys were occupied by the Inspector even when not focused on it.
    • Corrected intermittent Analytics error messages.
  • Modeling Mode
    • Added URP/HDRP support for the following tools:
      • Vertex/Edge/Face Tool: Camera Based Select
      • Deform Group Tools
      • Vertex Color Brush Tool
    • Slice Cut Tool: Added a "Split And Fill Hole" option to create faces on split surfaces.
  • Rigging Mode
    • Added URP/HDRP support for the Weight Brush Tool.
  • Painting3D Mode
    • Improved brush drawing performance for the BrushTool.
    • Added URP/HDRP support for the following tools:
      • Brush Tool
      • Erase Tool
      • Rect Fill Tool: Camera Based Select
      • AI Tool

0.19.3 | Mar 1, 2024

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed a bug that caused errors in Unity builds when the HDRP package was installed.

0.19.2 | Feb 28, 2024

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue where moving the mouse while moving the SceneView camera caused a decrease in speed.
    • Fixed a bug where Renderer Materials disappeared after re-enabling a GameObject that had its UModelerXEditableMesh component disabled and the Scene was saved.
    • Fixed a slowdown issue occurring with Camera Based Select in the Vertex Tool.
    • Added materials for HDRP (UModelerX_Grid_HDRP.mat, UModelerX_Gray_HDRP.mat, UModelerX_XRay_HDRP.mat) and implemented related code.

0.19.1 | Feb 21, 2024

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed a warning message that occurs during Unity Play.
    • Modeling Mode
      • Adjusted the Grid/Incremental Snap feature to account for the implementation differences across various Unity versions.
      • BevelTool: Fixed a bug where the bevel tool would not update.
      • LoopCutTool: Fixed a bug in Unity 2023.x versions where Shift + Wheel was not functional.
    • Painting3D Mode
      • AI Texture Tool: Fixed a bug in 'Generate(All in one)' mode where AI image generation would inadvertently render other objects besides the selected one.

0.19.0 | Feb 15, 2024

  • New Features
    • A ruler function has been added. It displays the length between selected elements and the total sum of lengths.
      • It can be enabled via Preferences > UModeler X > Display > Ruler option.
    • Grid/Incremental snap has been applied to the Shape Tool.
      • On Windows, press the Ctrl key, and on MacOS, press the ActionKey to apply the Incremental Snap set in Unity.
      • Tools that apply Incremental Snap include the following:
        • BoxTool: Width:Snap.x, Height:Snap.y, Depth:Snap.z
        • CylinderTool: Radius:Snap.x, Height:Snap.y
        • SphereTool: Radius:Snap.x
        • IcoSphereTool: Radius:Snap.x
        • TorusTool: Radius1:Snap.x, Radius2:Snap.x, Height:Snap.y
        • PipeTool: Radius1:Snap.x, Radius2:Snap.x, Height:Snap.y
        • CapsuleTool: Radius:Snap.x, Height:Snap.y
        • ConeTool: Radius:Snap.x, Height:Snap.y
        • RoomTool: Width:Snap.x, Height:Snap.y, Depth:Snap.z
        • StairTool: Width:Snap.x, Height:Snap.y, Depth:Snap.z
        • RectangleTool: Width:Snap.x, Depth:Snap.z
        • CircleTool: Radius:Snap.x
  • Bug Fixes
    • Removed the Save button from the MeshFilterComponent.
    • Fixed an issue where unused residual classes were causing warnings due to a bug.
    • Fixed an issue where moving Bones in RiggigMode did not apply to the Unity Animation Clip.
    • Corrected a problem caused by incorrect Arguments in Unity.
    • Fixed an issue occurring during Unity Build when modes such as X-Ray were turned on.

0.18.1 | Feb 6, 2024

  • Bug Fixes
    • Unity Play and Script Reloading
      • Fixed warnings and errors occurring during Unity Play and Script Reloading.
      • Fixed an issue where modified objects were not saved in the scene after Unity Play/Exit.
      • Fixed a problem that occurred when undoing/redoing the deletion of UModelerX objects after Unity Play/Exit.
    • Multi Objects
      • Boolean Tool: Fixed an issue where the position between objects with rotation in their Transform was incorrect.
    • Fixed an error that occurred when pressing the object mode shortcut key Shift+4.

0.18.0 | Jan 30, 2024

  • New Features
    • Slice Cut Tool : Added the 'View Cut' feature for intuitive shaping.
    • Slice Cut Tool : Introduced the 'Action After Cut' option for enhanced control.

0.17.3 | Jan26, 2024

  • Bug Fixes
    • The crash issue related to 'Failed to present D3D11 swapchain due to device removed' has been significantly improved.
    • The speed of the Painting3D Brush has been enhanced.

0.17.2 | Jan 23, 2024

  • New Features
    • Added the ability to snap to the same length as the vertex pointed by the cursor when moving the gizmo along one of the XYZ axes by pressing the V key.
    • Added a Copy to Clipboard button to the Issue Report window.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an error that occurred when modifying some Properties and performing Undo/Redo.
    • Fixed an error that occurred during script reloading.
    • Fixed an error that occurred when entering Unity Play mode.

0.17.1 | Jan 18, 2024

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue where camera navigation with the mouse was not working in Unity version 2022.3.x caused by the shortcut system.
    • Added the Debug/Disable GPU Options property in Preferences window to address the D3D11 Swapchain issue.
    • Corrected unnecessary message outputs.

0.17.0 | Jan 16, 2024

  • New Features
    • Shortcut Key Functionality: Added new shortcut key features for enhanced usability.
    • Subdivide Modifier: Introduced a new 'Preview Overlay' property to the Subdivide Modifier.
    • Material Selection for Render Pipelines: Automatic selection of default materials suitable for BuiltInRP, HDRP, and URP has been added.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Unity Scene Loading: Fixed a bug where unnecessary UModelerX builds occurred during Unity scene loading.
    • Unity Scene Saving: Corrected the issue with the erroneous dirty flag that was triggered during Unity scene saving.
    • StairTool: Resolved a bug where the StairTool was created in a different location than the mouse position.
    • UV1 for lightmap : Resolved an issue causing UV1 coordinates to be overwritten by UV0 during lightmap generation.

0.16.1 | Jan 9, 2024

  • Fixed an error that occurred when playing/stopping in the Unity Editor.
  • Fixed an error that caused the build process to stop due to an error during Unity project build.

0.16.0 | Jan 4, 2024

  • New Features
    • Added the Decimate Modifier.
    • Commentary System Introduced.
      • Provides real-time updates on the usage of UModeler X.
      • Displays current key/mouse inputs, Undo/Redo information, and tools being used.
      • Can be toggled in Preferences > Display > Commentary.
      • Demonstration video
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue where materials would disappear when saving a scene with the UModelerXEditableMesh Component turned off.
    • ModelingMode
      • Fixed a bug where elements with the second or later materials applied in multi-material settings were not displayed in XRay Mode, Vertex Color View, etc.
      • Corrected an error occurring when UModelerizing a mesh without materials.

0.15.4 | Dec 25, 2023

  • Fixed the error message in the Scene View when playing Unity based on the option in Unity's Project Settings > Editor > Reload Domain.
  • Corrected the error message that occurs when the UModelerX Game Object is disabled.
  • Fixed a bug where the Brush-related Tools for Modeling and Rigging do not work in URP (Universal Render Pipeline) state.

0.15.3 | Dec 21, 2023

  • Fixed an issue where the current Painting3D data being edited disappears when pressing the Play button in Unity, and issues arising in Undo/Redo after ending Play.

0.15.2 | Dec 19, 2023

  • Fixed an issue where pressing the Unity Play button in the Painting3D Editor caused an error.
    • Known issue: Pressing the Unity Play button may delete unsaved Painting3D data. Additionally, the Undo/Redo actions for editing in Painting3D may not function correctly.

0.15.1 | Dec 18, 2023

  • Introduced a feature to remove unused UModelerX data and Mesh data from Prefab Assets.
    • To delete assets, right-click and select Clean Unused UModelerX Data or Clean Unused UModelerX Data and Mesh in Assets/UModeler X.
      • Clean Unused UModelerX Data eliminates unused UModelerX Data.
      • Clean Unused UModelerX Data and Mesh removes both unused UModelerX Data and Mesh.
        • Specifically for Meshes, it cleans up unused meshes in MeshFilter, SkinnedMeshRenderer, MeshCollider.
  • Resolved an issue where the Renderer would turn off during Play mode when using Painting3D or XRay.
  • In Modeling mode:
    • LocalSettings Tool: Corrected a malfunction of Generate UVs in Unity 2023.2.
    • Subdivide Tool: Fixed an issue with inaccurate center point detection.

0.15.0 | Nov 30, 2023

  • Added a feature that allows you to report issues directly via email. When an error related to UModeler X occurs, an issue report window will automatically appear.
    • Screenshot of the Issue Report Window

0.14.8 | Nov 23, 2023

  • Fixed an issue where the bindposes of a mesh were not properly applied when UModelerizing a SkinnedMeshRenderer.
  • Added a warning message for SkinnedMeshRenderer with an Animator that is OptimizeTransformHierarchy. To properly apply the BoneTree to UModelerX, please click the ⋮ on the right side of the Animator Component and execute Deoptimize Transform Hierarchy, then run UModelerize. Note that Deoptimize Transform Hierarchy does not work in Prefab Instance state, so right-click the object in Hierarchy and select Prefab>Unpack before executing.

0.14.7 | Nov 17, 2023

  • Added "Toolbar Position" under Preferences > UModelerX > Display. This allows you to adjust the position of the top Toolbar.
  • Fixed an issue with texture settings for materials on a 1m grid scale.
  • Modeling Mode
    • ElementTool: Fixed a bug where deselecting with the Control Key was not properly reflected.
    • PivotTool: Added a Gizmo for setting the Pivot position. If an Element is selected before entering the PivotTool, this Gizmo's position is set as the initial position.
    • PivotTool: Added a gauge to display the current Pivot position of the modeling.


  • Fixed the error in saving settings caused by the decimal point symbol.


  • Fixed the dependency issue with UnityEditor that occurs during build.


  • Fixed a bug related to Texture2D during loading.
  • Fixed a bug where there was access to a removed Texture2D.

0.14.2 | Nov 7, 2023

  • Fixed a picking bug occurring in some URP modes.
  • Fixed a memory issue with Textures used as Cache.

0.14.1 | Nov 2, 2023

  • Fixed a bug where the Material GUID of UModeler Classic was duplicated.

0.14.0 | Nov 2, 2023

  • The group order in Preferences has been sorted.
  • If the Default Material setting in Preferences is at its default value, the Texture, Smoothness, Tilting, and Color values will be applied.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when selecting the UModelerXEditableMesh editor.
  • Improved the issue of mesh creation stopping during the process.
  • Improved the texture memory fragmentation issue.
  • Corrected the invalid URL in the "Learn more" text to a valid URL.
  • Added a property in Preferences to toggle the toolbar at the top of the scene view. Preferences > Display > Scene Toolbar
  • Renamed the Menu Type parameter in Preferences for the UV editor to UV Editor Menu Type.
  • Configuration information needed for Lightmap creation has been added to Preferences. Preferences > UModelerX > Lightmap
  • Added a material that includes a texture with a 1m X 1m scale mark.
  • Modeling Mode
    • Boolean Tool: Changed the manual URL linked to the Boolean tool to a valid address.
    • Local Setting Tool: Added the LightMap Static option. You can turn on the GameObject Static related to lights for GameObjects. This tool also supports MultiObjects.
    • Local Setting Tool: Added the Generate UVs button. After turning on Lightmap Static, you can create Lightmap UV based on the current mesh using Generate UVs.

0.13.2 | Oct 25, 2023

  • Modeling Mode
    • Fixed a bug where changes were not reflected in the UI during Undo/Redo after replacing Unity materials by dragging and dropping onto the UModelerX Object.
    • Combine Tool: Exception handling added for areas where the Combine function should not be activated.
    • Mark Seam Tool/Unmark Seam Tool: Added Seam Color to Preferences. You can now set the Seam Color displayed in the Scene Tab. (Preferences > UModelerX > EdMesh > Seam Color)
  • Rigging Mode
    • Fixed an error occurring when rigging data was corrupted during UModelerize. If rigging bones are broken, only standard modeling will be UModelerized.
  • Painting Mode
    • Added an Auto Save Textures option to Preferences. (Preferences > UModelerX > Painting3D > Auto Save Textures)
      • Not available for Default UModeler materials.
      • Original material must have a texture.
      • This texture must have the Read/Write option enabled.
      • Supported texture extensions are .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .tga, .tpic, and .exr.
  • Modifiers
    • MirrorModifier: Fixed a bug that occurred during loading.
    • MirrorModifier: Fixed a bug where the Vertex position for reflection settings was not properly reflected when other Modifiers were present.
  • UV Editor
    • When initially selecting a model, the material selection has been changed from the previous “All” to the first material.
    • AutoLayout Tool: Moves the selected material to the material of the selected Face. If there are multiple materials, it selects “All”.
    • ExportTool: Fixed a bug where an unselected material was exported when dealing with multiple materials.

0.13.1 | Oct 17, 2023

  • Modeling Mode
    • BooleanTool : BooleanTool (Union,Subtract,Intersect) has been integrated. The integrated BooleanTool has been moved to the MultiObjects Group.
    • BooleanTool : In ToolProperties, you can see the A B objects that will be used for the operation.
    • BooleanTool : Subtraction has been split into (A-B) and (B-A). This can be used if the order of the objects does not appear in the order of selection on some computers.
    • BooleanTool : Fixed an issue where modifiers were not being applied when used.

0.13.0 | Oct 13, 2023

  • New Feature : Added Boolean Tools. When you select two UModelerX objects, you can create a new object with the Boolean operation of the two objects.
    • Union Tool: Creates a merged object after deleting the overlapping parts of two objects.
    • Intersection Tool: Creates an object for the overlapping parts of two objects.
      • Subtract Tool: Creates an object that removes the second selected object from the first selected object.
        • Known Bugs : On some computers, the order of objects is sometimes ignored. In this case, they are processed in Hierarchy order.
  • Improved overall mesh build speed.
  • Fixed a bug where the Enter button on the keypad did not work in the text edit window.
  • Modeling Modes
    • SpiralStairTool: Fixed a bug where the Radius Property was not updated quickly enough.
    • CapsuleTool: Fixed a bug where the Height Property was not updated during creation.
    • FlipTool: Fixed a structural issue when using the FlipTool on a face with a UV assigned to it.
    • TargetWeldTool: Fixed a bug where UVs would be left behind when using TargetWeldTool on a Vertex.
    • CollapseTool: Fixed a bug where UVs would be left behind when using CollapseTool on a Vertex.
    • MergeTool: Fixed a bug where UVs were left behind when using MergeTool on a vertex.
    • WeldTool: Fixed a bug where UVs were left behind when using WeldTool on a vertex.
  • 3D Painting Mode
    • Added the ability to select and delete multiple layers with the Shift key on a painting layer.

0.12.1 | Sep 26, 2023

  • UModelerize
    • Fixed an issue where the root bone was incorrectly obtained when a child had a SkinnedMeshRenderer.
    • Resolved an update error that occasionally occurred when there were no faces.
  • Prefab Mode: Fixed an error that occurred when executing Prefab Unpack for Nested Prefabs placed within Prefab Mode.
  • Prefab Mode: Fixed an error that occurred when editing a Prefab and then entering Play mode.
  • Resolved an issue where saving was problematic when the GameObject name contained characters not allowed in file names.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when migrating from previous versions (prior to 2.10.10) of UModelerClassic to UModeler X.
  • Modeling Mode
    • DuplicateTool: Resolved an issue where vertices would become tangled when duplicating UVs.
  • Multi Objects
    • PivotTool: Updated the help URL.
  • Fixed an error that occurred during the rendering of specific windows.

0.12.0 | Sep 21, 2023

  • Fixed a bug where the default material is not selected when combining multiple objects.
  • Modeling Mode
    • EdgeTool: Fixed an issue where edges not belonging to a face are not selected properly.
    • Primitive Shapes Group: X Ray Mode has been added.
    • Primitive Shapes Group: New shapes have been added.
      • CapsuleTool
      • ConeTool
      • RoomTool
      • StairTool
      • SpiralStairTool
    • EraserTool: Fixed a bug where faces remain around when a vertex is deleted.
    • EraserTool: Fixed a bug where deleting a vertex of an edge without a face does not get deleted.
    • TargetWeldTool: Fixed a bug where edges disappear when merging a vertex belonging to an edge without a face.
    • CollapseTool: Fixed a bug where edges disappear when merging a vertex belonging to an edge without a face.
    • MergeTool: Fixed a bug where edges disappear when merging a vertex belonging to an edge without a face.
    • WeldTool: Fixed a bug where abnormal operations occur at edges without a face.
    • PivotToCenterTool: The tool name has been changed to PivotTool.
    • PivotTool: Gizmo Location has been added. It sets the pivot to the location of the Gizmo of the selected Vertex/Edge/Face Tool before entering PivotTool.
    • PivotTool: When PivotTool is activated, if Unity's Pivot state is Center, it changes to Pivot state.

0.11.3 | Sep 15, 2023

  • UModelerize: When multiple mesh objects are selected, UModelerize is applied to all of them.
  • Adding a UModelerXEditableMesh directly from a Prefab Asset will result in a warning message. This is not recommended.
  • Modeling Mode.
    • Fixed a bug where the Tool Properties of shape tools were sometimes not updated.
    • LoopCut Tool: Added drag sensitivity to clicks in the LoopCut Tool. This prevents accidental dragging while clicking.
  • UV Editor
    • UVFitTool : Fixed a bug where the boundaries of the UVFitTool would be warped when running it multiple times.

0.11.2 | Sep 6, 2023

  • Fixed a bug where XRay Mode and 3D Painting Overlay were not displayed when using the Filter function on the Hierarchy Tab or Scene Tab, or when setting the Context option to Gray in In-context Prefab Mode.
    • Known bug : GrayScale is applied for 3D Painting Overlay.
  • Modeling Mode
    • Fixed an error when creating a new UModeler-X object after selecting a disabled object.
    • BoxTool : Fixed a bug where the Width and Depth values were swapped during One Click Build.
    • BevelTool : Excluded from the bevel the part where the faces are flipped opposite each other.
  • Rigging Mode
    • AutoWeightingTool : Fixed an error caused by overlapping bones.
    • BuildBoneTool: Added exception handling for errors due to mesh shape when auto-locating.
  • Painting Mode
    • Fixed an error when initializing AI path variables.

0.11.1 | Sep 5, 2023

  • Fixed an issue where the AI-Texture tool was not being displayed in some environments in the Painting mode.

0.11.0 | Sep 4, 2023

  • Modeling Mode
    • Fixed a bug where elements consisting only of vertices and edges were not being selected properly.
    • LoopSelectTool: Modified to allow LoopSelect based on multiple faces in the face state.
    • LoopSelectTool: Removed the PatchSelect feature for isolated faces in face state.
    • RingSelectTool: Modified to allow RingSelect based on multiple faces in the face state.
    • CombineTool: Fixed a bug where the tool was active even when only one face was selected.
    • Modifiers
      • Subdivide: Fixed a bug that slowed down performance.
  • Rigging Mode
    • EnvelopeTool: Fixed a bug where some handle gizmos were behaving strangely.
  • Painting Mode
    • A new AI Texturing mode has been added | Online Manual
    • Fixed an error where painting-related images would disappear every time a prefab was saved in edit mode.

0.10.14 | Aug 29, 2023

  • Modeling Modes
    • SubdivideTool: Added a feature that recognizes and divides the edges of an N-gon that are divided into straight lines as a single straight line. Even if the neighboring squares are divided first, they will be divided into the same grid.
  • Rigging Mode
    • EditBonesTool : Rename and Copy functions have been added.
      • Rename: Renames the currently selected bone to the name of BoneName.
      • Copy: Copies bones that are not currently in the UModelerX object from the object substructure in the BoneTransfer.
    • AutoWeightTool : Fixed an execution error.
    • Fixed bone size to be proportional to model size.
    • Fixed a behavior error with AutoWeightTool.

0.10.13 | Aug 23, 2023

  • Modeling Mode
    • SubdivideTool : If faces are selected, subdivide only those faces. This operation does not interpolate.
  • Rigging Mode
    • Fixed a bug with loading default pose data in older versions of RiggingData.
  • UVEditor
    • Fixed a bug in the Modeling Mode tool where modifications were not being applied directly to UVEditor.
    • AutoLayoutUnwrapTool: Added to allow double-clicking to run AutoLayout from the FaceTool in modeling mode.
    • AutoLayoutUnwrapTool: Fixed to run AutoLayout based on recently selected Unwrapped Faces.
    • UVHandTool: Added the function of selecting/deselecting UV elements except dragging in HandTool.

0.10.12 | Aug 19, 2023

  • Painting Mode
    • The issue where you couldn't load an image when using "Import Layer Image" in the Paint Layer has been resolved.

0.10.11 | Aug 18, 2023

  • Painting Mode
    • The issue where the Rect Fill mode couldn't be used in Painting 2D mode has been fixed.

0.10.10 | Aug 18, 2023

  • Fixed the error message related to UModeler X that occurs when deleting a Unity package.
  • Corrected the error that occurs when loading data created in version 0.9.x.

0.10.9 | Aug 16, 2023

  • Modeling Mode
    • VertexTool: Fixed a bug that occurs when deleting a middle vertex that only has Vertex and Edge created by Vertex Extrude.
    • ElementTool: Fixed a bug that occurs when extruding a Face that hasn't been unwrapped.
    • LoopCutTool: Fixed a bug where an element selection remains after performing a loop cut.
    • SliceCutTool: Fixed a bug where it only applied to the selected element.
  • UVEditor
    • Fixed a bug where MaterialList wasn't properly applied during Undo/Redo.
    • MoveSewTool: Fixed an issue where it wasn't working.
    • AutoLayoutTool: Fixed an issue with abnormal functioning.
  • Prefab
    • Fixed an issue where Undo gets mixed up when exiting Prefab Stage Editing.
  • Save
    • Updated the assert message displayed when loading and paths for materials and other resources change.

0.10.8 | Aug 10, 2023

  • Modeling Mode
    • Fixed an issue with contrast, UV, etc. when more than 101 faces are gathered on a dot.
    • Fixed an issue where picking the Mirror Modifier gizmo was not affected by the GameObject Scale value.
    • Fixed the UV Unwrap state being maintained when modifying UV Unwarp polygons in the following tools.
      • ElementTool - FaceTool - Extrude Mode
      • Add Group - DetachTool
    • BevelTool : Display a warning in the Log if there are elements that cannot be beveled.
    • Fixed an issue where UVs pointing to unused vertices would cause ClearDead to proceed.
  • Rigging Mode
    • Fixed a bug where creating a new Element in Modeling mode would cause an I error when not all Elements were holding weight on the RootBone.

0.10.7 | Aug 4, 2023

  • Rigging Mode
    • Fixed an issue with GC cache operation during rigging build.

0.10.6 | Aug 4, 2023

  • Modeling Mode
    • Reduced large amounts of GC in mirror modifiers and builds.
    • LineTool : Fixed an issue with passing through multiple faces.
    • LineTool : Disabled snapping to the center of the face.
    • LineTool : Fixed Edge Center cursor color display.
    • LineTool : Added snapping to directions aligned with X,Y,Z axis. Cursor turns red.
    • LineTool : Fixed a bug where multiple clicks in the same location without moving the mouse would continue to create vertices when used.
    • LineTool: When passing through multiple faces, if the line is close to a vertex, the faces are not divided in the middle.
    • Fixed the UV Unwrap state not being lost when modifying UV Unwrap polygons in the following tools.
      • Drawing Group - LineTool
      • Add Group - ConnectTool
      • Add Group - LoopCutTool
      • Add Group - SliceCutTool
      • Add Group - InsertVertexTool
  • UVEditor
    • Fixed a bug in the UV Editor where dragging selections of elements would not be selected if you released the click in a UI area other than the UV Editor workspace.
    • Fixed a bug where moving a UV element in the UV Editor and then releasing the click outside of the UV workspace would not preserve the position.
    • Fixed an error when exiting the UV Editor in certain situations.

0.10.5 | Jul 27, 2023

  • Modeling Modes
    • Smoothing Group in FaceTool has been improved.
      • Added an angle setting to Auto Smoothing.
      • Minimized the number of Smoothing Groups when running Auto Smoothing.
      • Added Clear Selected Face feature to reset the Smoothing Group settings for only the currently selected Face.
      • When running UModelerize Merge Vertices, faces with the same Normal are now automatically assigned to the same Smoothing Group.
    • Fixed an issue in InsetTool where Face selection would get stuck on Undo/Redo.
    • Fixed an issue in MirrorModifier where UVs were incorrectly set on mirror edges.
  • UV Editor
    • Fixed a bug where making a selection in the Modeling Tool would not immediately apply the selection to the UV Editor.
    • Fixed a bug where UVSeams would not correctly diverge from an unclosed outer polygon.
    • Fixed a bug where UVs would sometimes come out at 0,0 when unwrapping.
    • Fixed a bug in PlaneUnwrapTool where the aspect ratio would vary depending on the size of the SceneView.
    • Fixed a bug in PlaneUnwrapTool where the 3D Face would unwrap in the opposite direction when using the Normal option.
    • Improved DuplicateTool to also duplicate the UVUnwrap information of a Face when duplicating it.
    • Fixed a bug in Unity 2022.3 where UVEditor would render with incorrect coordinates.
  • UnityEditor
    • Fixed a bug that caused an intermittent exception to occur after Build And Run.
    • Fixed a bug where an exception was thrown on PlayMode startup/exit.

0.10.4 | Jul 20, 2023

  • Fixed an issue causing errors during Unity Android builds.

0.10.3 | Jul 14, 2023

  • Fixed an issue where migration checks caused errors on some computers.
  • Modeling mode
    • InsetTool: When insetting an unwrapped face, it maintains the unwrap status and proceeds with UV interpolation.
    • EraserTool: Fixed a bug where the Delete key was not working on MaxOS.
  • Painting mode
    • Fixed an exception that occurred when right-clicking in the Opacity UI. Link
    • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to delete an Element using the delete key in certain situations after selecting the ElementTool. Link
  • UV Editor
    • Fixed a bug where some UV edges were displayed incorrectly.

0.10.2 | Jul 6, 2023

  • Modeling Mode
    • We've modified the Gizmos of the Element Tool to be affected by Unity's World, Local state.
    • In the LoopCut Tool, we've made adjustments so that it applies even to the end triangles in a Sphere shape.
  • Rigging Mode
    • We've fixed an error that occurred when loading rigging data from a previous version.

0.10.1 | Jul 5, 2023

  • Modeling Mode: Multi-select is now possible in Inset Tool state.
    • Add/Subtract Select is now possible while holding the Shift or Ctrl keys.
    • In the case of Rect Select, dragging on the face without pressing the Shift or Ctrl keys does not work. It operates as an inset of individual faces, as before.
    • Fixed a bug where the direction of the Inset changes strangely when the Group option is changed.
  • Modeling Mode: Fixed a bug where Soft Selection does not update during Undo/Redo.
  • Modeling Mode: Combined Tool for multiple objects has been merged into one undo step.
  • Fixed an issue where Korean text is displayed in the UModeler X login window.

0.10.0 | Jun 28, 2023

  • Modeling Mode: Added Local Settings Tool.
  • Modeling Mode: Added a Duplicate Tool settings window. Now you can select 'To Object' or 'To Elements' like the Detach Tool.
  • Modeling Mode: Improved overall editing speed.
  • Modeling Mode: Fixed bugs and improved overall stability.
  • Rigging Mode: Added Auto Weight Tool.
  • Rigging Mode: Added Build Bones Tool.
  • Rigging Mode: Added Edit Bones Tool.
  • Rigging Mode: Fixed bugs and improved overall stability.
  • Painting Mode: Fixed bugs and improved overall stability.
  • Added a Migrate to UModeler X function for converting UModeler projects to UModeler X.
  • Fixed various issues related to prefabs to further enhance stability.
  • Changed the image in the About box.

0.9.13 | May 25, 2023

  • Rigging Mode: Fixed an issue in the WeightTransfer Tool where reading weights from other bones was not working correctly.
  • Rigging Mode: Fixed an issue where weights were getting distorted when UModelerizing SkinnedMesh.
  • Rigging Mode: Fixed an issue where the WeightTransferMesh_APose prefab mesh was getting deformed.

0.9.12 | May 18, 2023

  • Fixed the issue with the broken 'Learn more' link next to the guide message.

0.9.11 | May 9, 2023

  • Fixed an issue where an error occurred when undoing/redoing after multi-object selection and material change.
  • Fixed an issue where the Extrude Modifier Key would not work when set to Space.
  • Fixed an issue where property changes in the LoopCut tool were not immediately reflected in the scene view.
  • Fixed an issue where after an undo, the Soft Selection toggle would be turned off, but the function remained on.
  • Resolved an issue where after deleting a layer or group and undoing, it would not be recreated in its original location.
  • In Rigging mode, the Brush Radius Distance and Brush Radius Pixel values have been modified to not take negative values.
  • Fixed an issue where the bone and its name were not displayed when selecting the first bone in Rigging mode.
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when changing the bone used in Rigging mode.
    • If an update is needed after changing the bone, a Remap Rigging button appears in Rigging mode. Pressing this button resets the Rigging Bone to its current changed state.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when undoing/redoing after hot reloading in Rigging mode.
  • An option to display weight color has been added in Rigging mode. (Preferences > EdMesh > Rigging Weight RGB Color)
  • Solved an issue where layers inside a group were not duplicated when duplicating a layer group in Painting mode.
  • Resolved an issue where some wireframes were not rendered when zooming in on the camera in the 2D painting window of Painting mode.
  • Resolved an issue where the Rect Fill tool in Painting mode didn't work properly due to incorrect 3D model picking.

0.9.7 | May 3, 2023

  • The Soft Selection Range value has been modified to disallow negative values.
  • Fixed an error where face selection and other features persisted when switching to a different editor.
  • Took measures to prevent errors from occurring in the Bevel tool when beveling is not possible.
  • Fixed an issue with the UV editor gizmo's center appearing in an incorrect location.
  • Resolved the UV error occurring in the Subdivide Modifier.

0.9.6 | Apr 19, 2023

  • The auto-login issue has been resolved.

0.9.5 | Apr 17, 2023

  • Fixed an issue where vertex overlay rendering did not work in ISO mode.

0.9.4 | Apr 13, 2023

  • Fixed an issue where the Size Overlay was not updating when using the VertexTool, EdgeTool, and FaceTool.
  • Removed a bug that caused incorrect UVs to remain when extruding in FaceTool.
  • Modified the UModelerize process to automatically generate Smoothing Groups based on the same vertex.
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when applying the WeightTransferTool to small polygons.
  • Added brush types to the WeightBrushTool:
    • Lighten: Adds to the values below the set Weight value until they reach the Weight value.
    • Darken: Subtracts from the values above the set Weight value until they reach the Weight value.

0.9.3 | Apr 7, 2023

  • The WeightBrushTool has added new brush types:
    • Mix: Adds or subtracts values until the set weight value is reached.
    • Add: Adds weight until it reaches 1.0.
    • Subtract: Subtracts weight until it reaches 0.0.
    • Blur: Smoothly interpolates between adjacent vertex weight values.
    • Lighten: Adds to values below the set weight until they reach the weight value (implementation planned).
    • Darken: Subtracts from values above the set weight until they reach the weight value (implementation planned).
  • Fixed an error that occurred when saving deactivated objects.
  • Modified PrefabAsset so that New UModelerX does not work there.
  • Most error and warning messages that were displayed in Korean have been changed to English.

0.9.2 | Apr 4, 2023

  • Fixed the issue where the scale value of the scale gizmo was incorrectly applied when moving the rigging bone.
  • Fixed the issue where having inactive objects caused problems when saving.
  • Updated the WeightTool interface to display only one selected vertex.
  • Fixed the issue where the root bone could not be found depending on the location.
  • Applied an alpha value for Rigging Weight High Color and Rigging Weight Low Color in Preferences.

0.9.1 | Apr 1, 2023

  • In the previous version of Zepeto Mask, only pure white (255, 255, 255, 255) was allowed as the standard color value for masking. However, we have now updated it so that colors close to white can also be masked.
  • We have fixed the Exception bug that occurs after Zepeto Export.