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Python Install

In order to run the Stable Diffusion web UI, you need to install Python.

Download the Python installation file.

You will need to install Python 3.10.6. The link below will take you to a page where you can download that version.

Once you're on that webpage, scroll down and you'll find a section labeled "Files" in bold. none

In the 'Files' section, you'll find several versions of the Python installation files listed, which you'll download by clicking on the 'Windows installer (64-bit)' link.

Install Python

  1. Start the installation by running the downloaded Python installation file.
  2. When the installation screen opens, make sure to check the 'Add Python 3.10 to PATH' option. none
    • This option will add Python to your system's PATH environment variable, and you will then be able to run the command python directly from a command prompt or terminal.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions for the rest of the installation process. none
  4. Once the installation is complete, click the 'Disable path length limit' button. none
    • This option turns off Windows' file path length limit.
      • By default, Windows limits the full path of a file (including directories) to no more than 260 characters.
      • Python projects often need to use long paths that exceed this limit, so it's a good idea to turn off this restriction.

Verify the Python installation

We need to verify that the Python installation completed successfully. This is the same way we verified the Git installation earlier, only this time we need to type 'python' instead of 'git' at the command prompt.

  1. Open an input window

    • Select the desired location on your desktop or file explorer and right-click.
    • Select 'Open git bash here' from the drop-down menu that appears. Alt text
    • PowerShell
      1. Shift+Right-click on the desktop or file explorer in a desired location.
      2. select 'Open PowerShell window here' from the drop-down menu.
  2. In the newly opened console or terminal window, type python --version and press Enter. none

  3. If you see the correct version information on the screen: 'python 3.10.6', the installation of Python has been successfully completed. none

    • If you get different version information, or no information about Python at all, something may have gone wrong during the installation process and you should try to install it again.